Secure For Me

SecureForMe (a division of Innovly Private Limited) is a cybersecurity product startup built with a commitment to providing innovative and reliable security solutions to organizations of all sizes.


About Us

With our years of experience and expertise, we have developed different product lines in the cybersecurity space to suit the needs of various businesses.


Our Email Security product provides protection from phishing attacks, spam emails, and data loss over email. With our advanced email security features, we ensure that your email communications remain secure and that sensitive information is not leaked.


Our Data Loss Prevention (DLP) product helps organizations safeguard their data by controlling the flow of sensitive information within the organization. With our DLP features, we ensure that sensitive data is not misused by employees or leaked to external sources.

Our Vision


Our vision is to be a trusted leader in cybersecurity, providing innovative and reliable solutions to protect organizations from ever-evolving cyber threats.

Our Mission


Our mission is to develop and deliver cutting-edge cybersecurity products that safeguard organizations from all types of cyber attacks. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service, expert guidance, and customized solutions to meet the unique needs of each organization. Through our dedication to excellence, we strive to help businesses operate securely and confidently in the digital age.

Our Values
