Our Products

Most prominent side is our devoted product featurs



DLP Defence

Our DLP Defence product aids companies in safeguarding their data by controlling the flow of sensitive information within the organization, ensuring the company's data is not fall into the wrong hands.

Upcoming Products

Endpoint Monitor

Log Manager

User Access Manager

Help Desk

Our Principle

Modernize your IT management

ATTP Principle

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Employee awareness is a critical component of security. By understanding data loss to differentiate between phishing emails and legitimate ones, employees can proactively reduce the frequency of successful attacks.

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Our training programs are crafted to enhance employees' ability to understand data loss and respond to phishing attacks, malware, and scareware, to improve their overall efficacy. Through tutorials and assessments, our comprehensive 360 services strive to enable employees to identify threats better, respond to them appropriately, and be aware of security policies around the organization.

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SecureForMe product feature enables organizations to simulate testing for applicable products like a realistic but false phishing email to their employees, allowing them to observe and evaluate their responses. The tool is commonly used to measure the efficacy of training programs to empower employees to identify and effectively manage attacks.

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Protection pertains to the various security measures that organizations can implement to mitigate and prevent the risk of internal and external attacks. SecureForMe offers multiple types of tailor-made security software across different verticals to ensure comprehensive protection.

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Employee awareness is a critical component of security. By understanding data loss to differentiate between phishing emails and legitimate ones, employees can proactively reduce the frequency of successful attacks.

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Our training programs are crafted to enhance employees' ability to understand data loss and respond to phishing attacks, malware, and scareware, to improve their overall efficacy. Through tutorials and assessments, our comprehensive 360 services strive to enable employees to identify threats better, respond to them appropriately, and be aware of security policies around the organization.

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SecureForMe product feature enables organizations to simulate testing for applicable products like a realistic but false phishing email to their employees, allowing them to observe and evaluate their responses. The tool is commonly used to measure the efficacy of training programs to empower employees to identify and effectively manage attacks.

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Protection pertains to the various security measures that organizations can implement to mitigate and prevent the risk of internal and external attacks. SecureForMe offers multiple types of tailor-made security software across different verticals to ensure comprehensive protection.

Discover our product

Explore our Product in four simple steps!


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Get in touch with us via phone, email, or chat on our website to learn more about our products and services.

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Live Demo

Experience our product in action with a live demo. We offer personalized demos to give you a hands-on experience of our product's capabilities.

3 3

Free Trail

Take advantage of our free trial and see how our product can benefit your organization.

4 4


Subscribe to our product to enjoy full access to all its features. Choose the subscription plan that best fits your organization's needs.



Get in touch with us via phone, email, or chat on our website to learn more about our products and services.


Live Demo

Experience our product in action with a live demo. We offer personalized demos to give you a hands-on experience of our product's capabilities.


Free Trail

Take advantage of our free trial and see how our product can benefit your organization.



Subscribe to our product to enjoy full access to all its features. Choose the subscription plan that best fits your organization's needs.


Our product offers a wide range of features to protect your organization from cyber threats



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Get in touch with us to safeguard your organization from all forms of cyber threats.